Tuesday 23 April 2013

is stella damasus secretly married?

For those who don't know,Actress Stella Damasus is dating movie producer,Daniel Ademinokan. Since both of them relocated to Abuj asome years back,they have tried to lie low to protect their relationship.

Info reaching my ears indicate that whilst people are hating on their relationship and calling Stella a husband-snatcher,She might now be Mrs.Stella Damasus-Ademinokan. Daniel is divorced and so is stella,meaning they are both free...so why not?

The beautiful couple have several investments together but the annoying thing is they do not want to come out and declare that they are a pair. My source reveals that both are secretly man and wife,Daniel's mother loves stella and stella treats her with the affection of a daughter, Stella's daughter's love Daniel and call him Daddy,Daniel's son loves stella and calls her mummy.

Stella can never go to any event without Daniel and she reportedly shuns the advances of other men.

I wish them the best but i think they should just come out and announce their relationship..Piakam!...and oh! stella will be 35 tommorrow (april24).

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